ILiveMemoryManagerCreateLiveVariable Method

Creates a live variable given the address and type.


Namespace: VisualGDBExtensibility.LiveWatch
Assembly: VisualGDBExtensibility (in VisualGDBExtensibility.dll) Version: (
ILiveVariable CreateLiveVariable(
	ulong address,
	int size,
	string label = null,
	LiveVariableFlags flags = LiveVariableFlags.None


address  UInt64
The target address of the live variable.
size  Int32
The target size of the live variable.
label  String  (Optional)
The user-friendly name of the live variable used for debugging.
flags  LiveVariableFlags  (Optional)
Flags specifying how to create the variable

Return Value

The created live variable object.


Once the live variable has been created, VisualGDB will keep automatically updating its value along with the other variables, unless it is disposed, or the SuspendUpdating property is set to true. VisualGDB automatically reorders and groups multiple live variable reads, resulting in a great performance improvement.

See Also