IPinnedVariable Interface

Contains information about a specific variable physically located in memory (e.g. a global variable). It encapsulates the debugging symbols loaded from the ELF file and is not connected to the actual target memory.


Namespace: VisualGDBExtensibility.LiveWatch
Assembly: VisualGDBExtensibility (in VisualGDBExtensibility.dll) Version: (
public interface IPinnedVariable


Use the LookupVariable(String, Boolean) or CreateTypedVariable(UInt64, IPinnedVariableType) methods to create objects of this type. Use the ILiveMemoryManager interface to actually read/write the target memory.


Address Contains the target address of the variable.
Expression Contains the expression that could be entered in the regular Watch window to see the value of the variable.
RawType Contains the type name of the variable that will be displayed in the Live Watch window.
Size Contains the physical size of the variable.
SourceLocation Contains the file and line where the variable is defined.
Subtype If the Type is Scalar, contains the scalar variable type (e.g. UInt32).
Type Specifies the general type (e.g. scalar/pointer) of the variable.
UserFriendlyName Contains the user-friendly name of the variable that will be displayed in the Live Watch window.


LookupSpecificChild Locates a specific child (e.g. struct field) matching the provided name.

Extension Methods

LookupChildRecursively Returns a pinned variable object for a field in a structure, supporting nested structures if needed.
(Defined by LiveWatchEngineExtensions)

See Also