ILiveWatchEngine Interface

Implemented by VisualGDB. Provides methods for reading the symbols of the debugged executable, accessing the target memory, and reporting various errors.


Namespace: VisualGDBExtensibility.LiveWatch
Assembly: VisualGDBExtensibility (in VisualGDBExtensibility.dll) Version: (
public interface ILiveWatchEngine


Memory Allows reading/writing the target memory (using raw addresses) without stopping it.
Settings Provides access to common Live Watch settings configured via VisualGDB Project Properties and Tools->Options->VisualGDB.
Symbols Allows locating the addresses of specific variables and obtaining information about the structure of various types.


CreateNodeForPinnedVariable Creates a live watch node for a given pinned variable, optionally overriding some of its properties.
GetDefaultFormatter Returns the built-in formatter for the given variable type (e.g. int or float).
GetFormattersForSize Returns a list of built-in formatters that match the given size of a scalar variable. E.g. for 4, will return 'signed int32', 'unsigned int32' and 'hexadecimal int32'.
LogException Logs an exception, with full call stack and an additional hint, to the VisualGDB Diagnostics Console (if enabled).
ReportConfigurationError Shows a message box describing one of the common configuration errors detected by the live watch plugins.

Extension Methods

CreateLiveVariable Creates a live variable for a specified pinned variable and flags.
(Defined by LiveWatchEngineExtensions)
CreateLiveVariable Creates a live variable object for a given global variable
(Defined by LiveWatchEngineExtensions)
ReadMemory Reads the value of a given pinned variable
(Defined by LiveWatchEngineExtensions)

See Also