Supported on windows
Supported on linux
Supported on embedded
Supported on android

set print frame-arguments command

Specifies the types of arguments fo which the backtrace command will display values.


set print frame-arguments all
set print frame-arguments scalar
set print frame-arguments none
show print frame-arguments


In this mode the backtrace command will show argument values for all argument types including structures.
In this mode the backtrace command will only show argument values for scalar arguments (including pointers and C strings).
In this mode the backtrace command will not show values for any of the arguments.

Default mode

The default value for the print frame-arguments setting is scalar.


To illustrate the set print frame-arguments command we will use a basic C++ program that has a function accepting 2 scalar arguments and one structure argument:

struct CompositeStruct
    int Field1, Field2;

void testfunc(int arg1, const char *arg2, CompositeStruct arg3)
    asm("int3");    //Forced breakpoint

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    CompositeStruct test = {1, 2};
    testfunc(123, "test", test);
    return 0;

We will run the program until it hits a breakpoint in testfunc() and then use the backtrace command to display the frames and the argument values for each frame:

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/bazis/test

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
testfunc (arg1=123, arg2=0x80484d0 "test", arg3=...) at test.cpp:11
11 }
(gdb) backtrace
#0 testfunc (arg1=123, arg2=0x80484d0 "test", arg3=...) at test.cpp:11
#1 0x0804842d in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff034) at test.cpp:16
(gdb) show print frame-arguments
Printing of non-scalar frame arguments is "scalars".
(gdb) set print frame-arguments all
(gdb) backtrace
#0 testfunc (arg1=123, arg2=0x80484d0 "test", arg3={Field1 = 1, Field2 = 2}) at test.cpp:11
#1 0x0804842d in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff034) at test.cpp:16
(gdb) set print frame-arguments none
(gdb) backtrace
#0 testfunc (arg1=..., arg2=..., arg3=...) at test.cpp:11
#1 0x0804842d in main (argc=..., argv=...) at test.cpp:16

Compatibility with VisualGDB

Do not use the set print frame-arguments command with VisualGDB. Instead right-click on the Call Stack pane in Visual Studio and select the information displayed about each frame via a context menu.

See also