This page describes the GenerateNullChecks RefactorScript shipped with VisualGDB.
This script generates NULL checks for all function arguments that are pointers or arrays.
It will automatically appear as a smart tag when editing methods.
[Main, Description("Generate NULL checks"), SuggestFor(Function)]
generator GenerateNullChecks(Function func, bool withBraces = false)
set returnType = func.ReturnType;
foreach(arg in func.Arguments)
if (arg.Type.Resolved.IsPointerOrReference || arg.Type.Resolved.IsArray)
>if ($arg.ShortName == NULL)
if (withBraces)
set isError_t = returnType.Referenced.Name == "error_t";
set isInt = returnType.Referenced.Name == "int";
if (isError_t || isInt)
> return EINVAL;
else if (returnType.Referenced.Name == "void")
> return;
> return -1;
if (withBraces)
Sample Input
typedef void *PVOID;
int TestFunction(int nonPointer, char *pointer, PVOID anotherPointer)
int TestFunction(int nonPointer, char *pointer, PVOID anotherPointer)
Sample Output
if (pointer == NULL)
return EINVAL;
if (anotherPointer == NULL)
return EINVAL;
A detailed reference on RefactorScript syntax and data model is available here.{
return EINVAL;
if (anotherPointer == NULL)
return EINVAL;
See this page for a full list of RefactorScripts shipped with VisualGDB.