
This page describes the ImplementFunctionPointers RefactorScript shipped with VisualGDB.


This script generates C functions based on the function pointer fields.
In order to run this script, first select one or more function pointer fields (or structs containing them)
in the Code Explorer -> Outline view.


[Main, Description("Implement function pointers")]
generator GenerateMockClass(Array structOrFields,
                            string namePrefix = "my_",
                            bool static = true)
    if ((structOrFields.Length == 1) && (structOrFields.First is Record))

generator GenerateFunctionDeclaration(Field field,
                                      string prefix,
                                      string namePrefix,
                                      bool semicolon)
>>$modifier$field.Type.ReturnType.Literal $prefix$field.ShortName(
    foreach(arg in field.Type.Arguments)
>>$arg.Type.Literal $arg.ShortName$arg.Type.LiteralSuffix
        if (!arg.IsLast)
    if (semicolon)

generator GenerateDefaultBody(TypeRef returnType, Array args)
    //This generator can be used to produce the default return statement/NULL checks.

generator DoImplementFunctionPointers(Record struct,
                                      Array fields,
                                      string namePrefix,
                                      bool static)
>//Forward declarations
    set modifier = "";
    if (static)
        set modifier = "static ";

    foreach(field in fields)
        if (field.Type is FunctionPrototype)
            GenerateFunctionDeclaration(field, namePrefix, modifier, true);

    foreach(field in fields)
        if (field.Type is FunctionPrototype)
            GenerateFunctionDeclaration(field, namePrefix, modifier, false);
            GenerateDefaultBody(field.Type.ReturnType, field.Type.Arguments);

>struct $struct.ShortName $namePrefix$struct.ShortName =
    foreach(field in fields)
        if (field.Type is FunctionPrototype)
            >    .$field.ShortName = $namePrefix$field.ShortName,


Sample Input

typedef int (*PINTADDER)(int x, int y);

struct StructWithFunctionPointers
    double (*AddDoubles)(double x, double y);
    PINTADDER AddInts;

Sample Output

//Forward declarations
static double my_AddDoubles(double x, double y);
static int my_AddInts(int x, int y);

static double my_AddDoubles(double x, double y)

static int my_AddInts(int x, int y)


struct StructWithFunctionPointers my_StructWithFunctionPointers =
    .AddDoubles = my_AddDoubles,
    .AddInts = my_AddInts,
A detailed reference on RefactorScript syntax and data model is available here.
See this page for a full list of RefactorScripts shipped with VisualGDB.