This page describes the ImplementMethodsVia RefactorScript shipped with VisualGDB.
This script generates implementations for the selected methods by forwarding the calls to a field, e.g.:
int method(int x) { return m_Field.method(x); }
In order to run this script, first select one or more methods in the Code Explorer -> Outline view.
[Main, Description("Implement Methods via Field")]
generator ImplementMethodsViaField(Array methods,
bool inline = true,
string implementingClassName = "MyClass",
string fieldExpression = "m_Impl.")
foreach(method in methods)
if (inline)
GenerateMethodSignature(method, "", "");
GenerateProxyMethodBody(method, implementingClassName, fieldExpression);
GenerateMethodSignature(method, "", ";");
if (!inline)
foreach(method in methods)
set prefix = implementingClassName + "::";
GenerateMethodSignature(method, prefix, "");
GenerateProxyMethodBody(method, implementingClassName, fieldExpression);
generator GenerateMethodSignature(Function method, string prefix, string suffix)
>>$method.ReturnType.Literal $prefix$method.ShortName(
foreach(arg in method.Arguments)
>>$arg.Type.Literal $arg.ShortName
if (arg.HasInitializer)
>> /* = $arg.Initializer */
if (!arg.IsLast)
generator GenerateProxyMethodBody(Function method,
string implementingClassName,
string fieldPrefix)
if (method.ReturnType.Resolved.Name != "void")
>> return
>> $fieldPrefix$method.ShortName(
foreach(arg in method.Arguments)
if (!arg.IsLast)
Sample Input
class SimpleClass
void UnimplementedMethod(int x, void *p);
double UnimplementedMethod2(double x);
void UnimplementedMethod(int x, void *p);
double UnimplementedMethod2(double x);
Sample Output
void UnimplementedMethod(int x, void * p)
m_Field.UnimplementedMethod(x, p);
double UnimplementedMethod2(double x)
return m_Field.UnimplementedMethod2(x);
A detailed reference on RefactorScript syntax and data model is available here.{
m_Field.UnimplementedMethod(x, p);
double UnimplementedMethod2(double x)
return m_Field.UnimplementedMethod2(x);
See this page for a full list of RefactorScripts shipped with VisualGDB.