Embedded Device Support Packages
VisualGDB includes out-of-the-box support for most modern embedded devices. Simply select the device in the VisualGDB project wizard and it will automatically download the necessary files on your machine.
You can check whether a specific device is supported in the table below:
VisualGDB also supports several advanced device families that come with their own SDKs:
- NXP devices via the MCUXpresso SDK Builder
- ESP32 devices via ESP-IDF
- Xilinx Vitis FPGAs via the Vitis Project Subsystem
- Arduino-compatible devices
- Devices supported by the mbed OS
- Nordic devices supported by the NRFConnect SDK
- Cypress PSOC6 device via the WICED SDK
Board Support Packages (BSPs)
If your VisualGDB machine does not have an Internet connection, you can download the packages that add support for devices and debug methods below.
Device family | Package version | Download link |
ARM mbed | 5.9.2 | mbed-5.9.2.vgdbxbsp (69 MB) |
Atmel ARM Cortex Devices | 3.35.2R3 | sam-cortex-3.35.2R3.vgdbxbsp (1995 KB) |
Atmel AT91SAM7S MCUs | 1.0 | at91sam7s-1.0.vgdbxbsp (2136 KB) |
BlueNRG-LP Devices | 2020.05 | bluenrg-lp-2020.05.vgdbxbsp (1346 KB) |
Freescale Kinetis (KSDK) | 1.3.2 | kinetis_ksdk-1.3.2.vgdbxbsp (28 MB) |
Freescale Kinetis MCUs (legacy) | 1.3 | kinetis-1.3.vgdbxbsp (6292 KB) |
Infineon XMC Devices | 2.1.24R2 | xmc-2.1.24R2.vgdbxbsp (2818 KB) |
Microchip PIC32CM-MC Series Device Support | 1.2.52 | pic32cm-mc_dfp-1.2.52.vgdbxbsp (212 KB) |
Microchip PIC32CX-SG Series Device Support | 1.3.39 | pic32cx-sg_dfp-1.3.39.vgdbxbsp (433 KB) |
Microchip PIC32MK-GP Series Device Support | 1.5.130 | pic32mk-gp_dfp-1.5.130.vgdbxbsp (350 KB) |
Microchip PIC32MK-MC Series Device Support | 1.8.132 | pic32mk-mc_dfp-1.8.132.vgdbxbsp (506 KB) |
Microchip PIC32MM-GPL-0XX Series Device Support | 1.2.33 | pic32mm-gpl-0xx_dfp-1.2.33.vgdbxbsp (143 KB) |
Microchip PIC32MM-GPM-0XX Series Device Support | 1.2.31 | pic32mm-gpm-0xx_dfp-1.2.31.vgdbxbsp (173 KB) |
Microchip PIC32MX Series Device Support | 1.5.259 | pic32mx_dfp-1.5.259.vgdbxbsp (407 KB) |
Microchip PIC32MZ-DA Series Device Support | 1.4.118 | pic32mz-da_dfp-1.4.118.vgdbxbsp (530 KB) |
Microchip PIC32MZ-EC Series Device Support | 1.3.44 | pic32mz-ec_dfp-1.3.44.vgdbxbsp (260 KB) |
Microchip PIC32MZ-EF Series Device Support | 1.3.58 | pic32mz-ef_dfp-1.3.58.vgdbxbsp (429 KB) |
Microchip PIC32MZ-W Series Device Support | 1.4.193 | pic32mz-w_dfp-1.4.193.vgdbxbsp (256 KB) |
NXP LPC Devices | 2.2 | nxp_lpc-2.2.vgdbxbsp (3415 KB) |
Nordic NRF52 IoT | 0.9 | nrf5x-iot-0.9.vgdbxbsp (8630 KB) |
Nordic NRF52x Devices | 17.0 | nrf5x-17.0.vgdbxbsp (108 MB) |
Nordic NRF5x Devices (legacy) | 12.0 | nrf5x-legacy-12.0.vgdbxbsp (22 MB) |
Raspberry Pi Pico | 2.1.0 | pico-2.1.0.vgdbxbsp (27 MB) |
Redpine RS14100 Devices | 1.1.3 | rs14100-1.1.3.vgdbxbsp (13 MB) |
Renesas ARM Devices | 3.3.0 | renesas-3.3.0.vgdbxbsp (12 MB) |
STM32 Devices | 2025.01 | stm32-2025.01.vgdbxbsp (148 MB) |
STM32 W108 Device | 1.0 | stm32w108-1.0.vgdbxbsp (3012 KB) |
STM32H7R/S Devices | 1.1.0 | h7rs-1.1.0.vgdbxbsp (14 MB) |
STM32MP1 Devices | 2024.01 | stm32mp1-2024.01.vgdbxbsp (13 MB) |
STM32WB Devices | 2020.05 | stm32wb-2020.05.vgdbxbsp (26 MB) |
STM32WL55 Devices | 2021.12 | stm32wl-2021.12.vgdbxbsp (42 MB) |
STM8 Devices | 2022.01 | stm8-2022.01.vgdbxbsp (16 MB) |
SiFive Freedom E Devices | 1.0 | sifive-1.0.vgdbxbsp (976 KB) |
Silabs EFM32 Devices | 6.4.4 | efm32-6.4.4.vgdbxbsp (4583 KB) |
TI CC3200 Devices | 3.0 | cc3200-3.0.vgdbxbsp (1820 KB) |
TI CC3220 Devices | 5.20.00 | cc3220-5.20.00.vgdbxbsp (34 MB) |
TI MSP432 Devices | 3.21 | msp432-3.21.vgdbxbsp (326 KB) |
TI Tiva Devices | | tiva- (5499 KB) |
Embedded Debug Method Packages (EDPs)
The following packages provide easy support for common debug methods:
Debug Method | Package version | Download link |
AVR AVaRICE support package | 1.0 | avarice-1.0.vgdbxedp (15 MB) |
ESP32 debug methods | 20231123 | core-20231123.vgdbxedp (7293 KB) |
ESP8266 debug methods | 1.4 | core-1.4.vgdbxedp (12 MB) |
MCUXpresso RedLink | 1.1 | redlink-1.1.vgdbxedp (33 KB) |
OpenOCD | 20240916-0.12.0 | openocd-20240916-0.12.0.vgdbxedp (7994 KB) |
OpenOCD (Kendryte) | 20200531-0.10.0 | openocd-kendryte-20200531-0.10.0.vgdbxedp (18 MB) |
OpenOCD (RISC-V) | 20200623-0.10.0 | openocd-20200623-0.10.0.vgdbxedp (13 MB) |
OpenOCD (ST Fork) | 20250122-0.12.0 | st-20250122-0.12.0.vgdbxedp (7299 KB) |
OpenOCD (STM32MP1) | 20250122-0.12.0 | stm32mp1-20250122-0.12.0.vgdbxedp (7493 KB) |
OpenOCD (STM8) | 20220118-0.11.0 | openocd-20220118-0.11.0.vgdbxedp (7230 KB) |
PyOCD | 1.0 | pyocd-1.0.vgdbxedp (1251 bytes) |
Segger J-Link | 6.0 | segger-dmsp-6.0.vgdbxedp (588 KB) |
Embedded Framework Packages (EFPs)
Package Name | Package version | Download link |
Embedded Profiler and Fast Semihosting | 5.5 | profiler-5.5.vgdbxefp (56 KB) |
Test Frameworks
Framework Name | Framework version | Download link |
CppUTest | 3.8 | CppUTest-3.8r2.vgdbxtfp (85 KB) |
GoogleTest | 20231020-1.10.0 | googletest-20231020-1.10.0.vgdbxtfp (353 KB) |
TinyEmbeddedTest | 2.1 | tinyembtest-2.1.vgdbxtfp (9648 bytes) |
Auxiliary Packages
Package Name | Package version | Download link |
Arduino Build Tools | | ArduinoTools- (9291 KB) |
GNU gperf | 3.0.1 | gperf-3.0.1-xz.vgdbxpkg (41 KB) |
Python | 3.11.5 | python-3.11.5.vgdbxpkg (23 MB) |
Python 3.x | 3.8.10 | python3-3.8.10-xz.vgdbxpkg (37 MB) |
Qt5 tools for CMake | 5.15.2 | qt5cmake-5.15.2-xz.vgdbxpkg (3662 KB) |
Qt6 tools for CMake | 6.4.2 | qt6cmake-6.4.2.vgdbxpkg (4509 KB) |
Raspberry Pi Pico SDK Tools | 1.2.0 | PicoTools-1.2.0-xz.vgdbxpkg (578 KB) |
XMing | | XMing- (1682 KB) |
ccache | 3.7.11 | ccache-3.7.11-xz.vgdbxpkg (454 KB) |
cmake | | cmake- (6656 KB) |
python27 | 2.7.17 | python27-2.7.17-xz.vgdbxpkg (22 MB) |
qt4tools | | qt4tools- (2423 KB) |
qt5tools | | qt5tools- (10177 KB) |
Installation instructions
Normally VisualGDB will download and install BSPs and EDPs automatically.
If you don't have Internet connection on your development
machine, download the packages you need using the links above.
Then launch Visual Studio, click Tools->VisualGDB->Manage VisualGDB Packages,
select the package and click "Install a package from file":