Using OpenAMP for Cross-core Communication on STM32MP1

This tutorial shows how to use the OpenAMP library to communicate between multiple cores of the STM32MP1 device. We will start with a basic project that creates a virtual COM port that can be used to send data between the Linux running on the Cortex-A core and the embedded firmware running on the Cortex-M4 core. We will then modify the firmware to respond to basic commands sent from the Linux side.

Before you begin, install VisualGDB 5.4R11 or later.

  1. Start Visual Studio and select the VisualGDB Embedded Project Wizard:
  2. Enter the name and pick the location of the project that will be created by VisualGDB:
  3. Proceed with the default settings (Embedded binary -> MSBuild) on the first page of the wizard:
  4. On the next page of the wizard select the ARM toolchain and pick the STM32MP1 device that is installed on your development board:
  5. On the Sample Selection page switch to the “STM32 CubeMX Samples” view and pick the OpenAMP_TTY_echo sample:
  6. Ensure your board is in the production mode (i.e. boots Linux from the SD card) and connect power, Ethernet and ST-Link (see this tutorial for more details), then let VisualGDB detect the on-board ST-Link and ensure STM32MP1xx (with PMIC) is selected as the debugged device:
  7. Press the “Test” button to verify the JTAG connectivity:
  8. Finally, press “Finish” to create the project. VisualGDB will clone the OpenAMP_TTY_Echo example so that you will be able to build and debug it. Build it via Build->Build Solution and check the outgoing calls from main() to quickly get a list of virtual UART-related functions provided by OpenAMP:
  9. Sending and receiving packets from Linux running on the Cortex-A core involves calling the following functions from the Cortex-M4 firmware:
    1. MX_IPCC_Init() needs to be called in order to initialize the inter-core communication hardware.
    2. MX_OPENAMP_Init() initializes the OpenAMP library.
    3. VIRT_UART_Init() creates a new virtual UART port (available as /dev/ttyRPMSGx on the Linux side)
    4. VIRT_UART_RegisterCallback() registers a callback that will be invoked by OpenAMP when Linux-side code sends a message via the virtual UART port.
    5. VIRT_UART_Transmit() sends a message back to the Linux side.
    6. OPENAMP_check_for_message() needs to be called from the main loop in order to poll for the incoming messages and call the previously registered RX callbacks.


  10. Before you can begin debugging the program, it needs to be registered with the Linux system by uploading it to /lib/firmware and writing to virtual files under /sys/class/remoteproc. Follow this tutorial to to understand the necessary steps or simply paste the following custom actions to custom debug steps before launching the debugger (requires the Custom edition of VisualGDB):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <ArrayOfCustomActionBase xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <CustomActionBase xsi:type="CommandLineAction">
        <Arguments>start &gt; /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state</Arguments>
      <CustomActionBase xsi:type="FileTransferAction">
      <CustomActionBase xsi:type="CommandLineAction">
        <Arguments>stop &gt; /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state || echo "Already stopped"</Arguments>
      <CustomActionBase xsi:type="CommandLineAction">
        <Arguments>$(TargetFileName) &gt; /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/firmware</Arguments>

  11. Set a breakpoint in VIRT_UART0_RxClptCallback() and press F5 to begin debugging the program:
  12. Connect to the STM32MP1 board via SSH and run the “cat /dev/ttyRPMSG0” command to begin displaying the output from the virtual COM port:
  13. In another tab run “echo test > /dev/ttyRPMSG0”:
  14. The breakpoint will trigger, showing the message received from the Linux side:
  15. Use the call stack to navigate to the MAILBOX_Poll() function and take a note of its logic. The function uses the msg_received_ch1 and msg_received_ch2 global variables to detect when a new message has arrived to the mailbox and then calls the previously registered callback function with it:
  16. Go to the definition of msg_received_ch2 and use the Code/Data Relations view of CodeJumps to quickly locate the function that sets the variable:
  17. Go to the IPCC2_channel_callback() function and set a breakpoint there. Then press F5 to continue execution. Check the console running the “cat” command. The message received via the virtual COM port will get echoed there:
  18. Run the “echo test > /dev/ttyRPMSG0” command again to send another message. The breakpoint in IPCC_channel2_callback() will trigger. Check the call stack to see how the function was invoked by the interrupt handler for the IPCC_RX1 interrupt:
  19. Now we will modify the Cortex-M firmware to continuously blink the on-board LEDs and update the Linux firmware to change the blinking frequency by writing messages to /dev/ttyRPMSG0. Update the VIRT_UART0_RxCpltCallback() function to append the incoming data to the buffer instead of overwriting it each time:
    void VIRT_UART0_RxCpltCallback(VIRT_UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
        log_info("Msg received on VIRTUAL UART0 channel:  %s \n\r", (char *) huart->pRxBuffPtr);
        size_t todo = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - VirtUart0ChannelRxSize - 1;
        if (todo > huart->RxXferSize)
            todo = huart->RxXferSize;
        memcpy(VirtUart0ChannelBuffRx + VirtUart0ChannelRxSize, huart->pRxBuffPtr, todo);
        VirtUart0ChannelRxSize += todo;
        VirtUart0ChannelBuffRx[VirtUart0ChannelRxSize] = 0;

    Then add the following function to read the data from the buffer line-by-line:

    size_t ReadLineFromVirtualUART(char *pBuffer, size_t maxSize)
        int pos = 0;
        for (pos = 0; pos < VirtUart0ChannelRxSize; pos++)
            if (VirtUart0ChannelBuffRx[pos] == '\n')
                size_t todo = pos;
                if (todo >= maxSize)
                    todo = maxSize - 1;
                memcpy(pBuffer, VirtUart0ChannelBuffRx, todo);
                pBuffer[todo] = 0;
                memmove(VirtUart0ChannelBuffRx, VirtUart0ChannelBuffRx + pos, VirtUart0ChannelRxSize - pos);
                VirtUart0ChannelRxSize -= pos;
                return pos - 1;
        return 0;

    Finally, update main() to blink the LED continuously, updating the frequency when a new message is received via ReadLineFromVirtualUART():

      GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
      GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN_7;
      GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP;
      GPIO_InitStructure.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH;
      GPIO_InitStructure.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
      HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOH, &GPIO_InitStructure);
      uint32_t toggleTime;
      uint32_t period = 1000;
      char buf[64];
      while (1)
          if (HAL_GetTick() >= toggleTime)
              HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOH, GPIO_PIN_7);
              toggleTime = HAL_GetTick() + period;
          if (ReadLineFromVirtualUART(buf, sizeof(buf)))
              period = atoi(buf);
  20. Press F5 to build and start the new version of the program. Observe how the on-board LED is being toggled each second:
  21. Run “echo 100 > /dev/ttyRPMSG0” from an SSH terminal and observe how the LED blinking frequency changes:
  22. You can set a breakpoint inside main() to step through the logic responsible for parsing the commands from the Linux side: